Human Growth and Development CLEP Prep Practice Exam

Question: 1 / 50

In what stage, according to Kohlberg, do individuals assess a situation based on what they think serves the greater good?




Based on Kohlberg's stages of moral development, individuals in the postconventional stage think beyond their own personal desires and begin to consider the rights and needs of others. This stage is characterized by a developing sense of social responsibility and a belief in universal ethical principles. This is in contrast to the preconventional and conventional stages, where individuals are more focused on personal gain and societal norms, respectively. The option D, "Transition", is not a stage identified by Kohlberg and therefore is not a correct answer. Additionally, Option A, "Preconventional", is incorrect because individuals in this stage are primarily motivated by self-interest and may not consider the greater good. Option B, "Conventional", is also incorrect because individuals in this stage follow societal norms and may not think beyond what is considered acceptable by society. Therefore, the correct answer is C, "Postconventional", because
